Top 5 Podcasts for Every Small Business Owner

Damian Brychcy COO At Capital On Tap In Office

It seems like everyone these days is starting a podcast or knows someone that is. But with over 4 million podcasts to choose from, what should you be listening to as a small business owner?

We curated our top 5 podcasts for small business owners to help them run a better business, be inspired by other business owners, and help them better understand every aspect of running a business.

For inspirational business stories

How I Built This with Guy Raz

Do you ever find that running a business is really hard? A moment where you don’t know how your business will survive.

Every successful business owner has those moments. How I Built This with Guy Raz is a masterclass of interviewing successful entrepreneurs on the businesses they built and the journeys they went on.

To uncover the hidden secrets of the world's best businesses

Business Breakdowns by Colossus

A screenshot of the Business Breakdowns podcast cover

Do you ever wonder what makes certain businesses so successful, so enduring, or so profitable?

Business Breakdowns brings you behind the curtain of businesses from Facebook to Formula One to Visa - telling you about their histories, their business lines, and most importantly, trying to find the hidden secrets of their success and what makes them tick.

Whether you are an online pet toy store or a florist shop in a small town, there is something for everyone. Discover the luxury strategy of LVMH (makers of Louis Vitton) or the dedication to efficiency at Costco - and then apply them to your own business.

If you want tactical advice on how to build your business

The $100 MBA Show with Omar Zenhom

A lot of podcasts are interviews with successful entrepreneurs that are really just entertaining and inspiring stories. But as a small business owner, sometimes you just need practical advice on how to operate your business. That’s where the $100 MBA Show with Omar Zenhom comes in.

With over 2,000 short episodes ranging from topics on when (and if) you should start investing in SEO, tips for keeping customers loyal, to when you should give your employees a raise.

The $100 MBA Show should be your starting point for lots of tactical business questions with high-quality answers (better than Googling something most of the time).

If you want to feel like you are in a room brainstorming business ideas

My First Million by the Hubspot Podcast Network

Hosts Sam Parr and Shaan Puri are long-time entrepreneurs and business owners that could spend all day rattling off business ideas and what they love and hate about each of them. And My First Million is exactly that.

Both hosts bring a maniacal trillionaire-energy to the podcast and debate business ideas and trends with the fervour of 1,000 burning suns.

Whether you want to listen to two guys riff on how to get rich if they had to start over, how they’d build a storage business, or why a “Viral Tweets as a Service” could be a good business, this podcast is wildly entertaining. Bring your popcorn.

If you want to get smarter about the broader business and investing world

Odd Lots by Bloomberg

As a small business owner, you already have enough on your plate. It can be hard to think about anything else. But so many external economic events could impact your business - inflation, the skyrocketing costs of oil and energy, the Ukraine War, or even trends in the stock market.

Odd Lots with hosts Tracy Alloway and Joe Weisenthal offer an educational and often entertaining look into those topics.

So if you want to better understand how changing interest rates can impact various corners of the economy, or why Chile’s new constitution might create problems with car and phone manufacturers - this is the podcast to get smarter about the world.

Which business podcasts can’t you live without? Tell us about them on social media and tag @capitalontap!

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