R.P. Electrics - Working with the NHS during Coronavirus


Our team talks to Rene Prochazka – a Capital on Tap business credit card customer and the founder of R.P. Electrics, about the impact of COVID-19 on his business and how he has changed the focus of his business to support the NHS in these unprecedented times.

Born in Vienna, Austria, Rene moved to the UK in 2001 after he got offered a job with a Formula 1 race team as a team electrician. After 5 intense years, in 2006, Rene decided to start his own business – R.P. Electrics. “Starting your own business in a foreign country was the most difficult thing I have ever done but I definitely don’t regret it,” says Rene. Now, 14 years later, he runs an established company with an impressive portfolio of private and commercial customers.

R.P. Electrics provides modern methods of electrical installation using the highest quality products. Their work ranges from small domestic installations to large commercial and industrial projects. With several projects on the go, the business was going extremely well until the outbreak of coronavirus.


“COVID-19 has taken us by surprise - any domestic work for private clients has become impossible due to the strict lockdown measures and any office-based work, which is a big part of what we do, was also put on hold due to office closures,” says Rene. However, having done work for several hospitals in the past, Rene and his team were in a unique position to help set up new COVID-19 facilities. Each bed for a COVID-19 patient requires over 10 electrical sockets for all the medical equipment used in treating infections. However, in a standard ward, each bed only has a handful of sockets, so there was an urgent need to increase the capacity. This has become Rene’s main line of work since the start of the outbreak.  

They are now also involved in building shower facilities and storage spaces for PPE equipment to support hospital staff with keeping strict safety measures. Often working 14-hour shifts and over weekends, Rene’s team has now helped several NHS hospitals to get COVID-19 wards ready to take on patients. “It’s been a fantastic experience to be able to support the NHS during such difficult times. I am glad that there is a real value in what we are delivering.”

Despite a huge work satisfaction, Rene’s work has taken a slight toll on his family life - as most of his work is now done in a high-risk environment, Rene has temporarily moved out of his family home, so he doesn’t put his partner and kids at risk.


R.P. Electrics employees stood socially distant on a hospital ward

Rene (on the left) and his team setting up new COVID-19 facilities for the NHS 

We asked Rene about his experience with Capital on Tap. “Being able to access funding as and when needed has been vital in maintaining business continuity, especially now when cash flow may be an issue,” said Rene. Having been a Capital on Tap customer since early January 2020, our card has moved to Rene’s ‘front of wallet’ card and is pretty much the only card he uses. ‘I have been extremely satisfied with the card so far – as it’s a Visa, I have never had problems with the card not being accepted by wholesalers which are often the case with other providers. I also love the fact I can earn Avios points on every transaction!’

Capital on Tap’s mission has always been helping small businesses thrive and in times like this, our mission couldn't be more true. We have been extremely grateful for the opportunity to support people like Rene in work that is now so important for the wider community.  Everyone here at Capital on Tap wants to express their appreciation to Rene, his team and all of the essential workers who are doing their best to keep us safe, each and every day. 


RP electrics' logo

Rene is the founder of R.P. Electrics, a provider of modern methods of electrical installation using the highest quality products. If you’re interested in finding out more you can find them here, and if you’re interested in working with Rene and his team, you can reach them at info@rpelectrics.com


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