Time to Talk Day!

It’s Time to Talk day; an opportunity to talk about how we’re feeling in order to break down stereotypes, improve relationships, aid recovery and reduce stigma over something that affects us all - mental health.

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At Capital on Tap our employees’ wellbeing is of paramount importance to us and we are always thinking of ways in which we can continue to create a safe environment where those that work with us feel they can talk about how they’re feeling, ask for help and in general be their authentic selves!

Over the years we have implemented various benefits and support mechanisms to help those with their overall wellbeing, such as:

  • ThatDay mental health support - this enables everyone to have access to a number of therapists quickly and confidentially(with the first six sessions free). This benefit is refreshed each year.
  • Private health insurance - Knowing you can access treatment for a whole range of issues quickly and with a wide choice of doctors globally hopefully puts our team at ease.
  • Access to our professionally trained Wellness Buddies - Our wellness buddies are there to provide opportunities for 1-on-1 conversations where they can listen and provide support if needed as well as signposting to available resources and gathering feedback on how we can continue to drive wellness at Capital on Tap.
  • Half price gym membership through our health care provider (healthy body, healthy mind and all that!)

As well as these tangible benefits that hopefully show we care for our team, we have committed to talking about mental health frequently across the workplace in an effort to reduce stigma. Some of the most memorable events that spring to mind across the years include:

  • A panel discussion with senior leaders across the organisation discussing their own journey and experiences with mental health over the years (this one was so moving it actually brought me to tears in front of the whole business - a career highlight for me).
  • A myth-busting panel to debunk those frequently misguided thoughts on mental health.
  • Guest speakers’ talks on things such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Meditation and Imposter Syndrome.

However, even at Capital on Tap, a place where people have reported feeling safe to discuss their mental health,  it can still be hard to find the time to talk about it. People are busy, have deadlines, and work in different locations. This is why events such as Time to Talk Day are even more important; they give us that gentle nudge to encourage people to talk, get to know each other, as well as allow us to re-signpost the support we have in place for our team.

So today we'll be making sure we're reaching out to our team and encouraging them to talk - what are you doing with your team?

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