Unlocking Adventure with CluedUp! Escape Rooms

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CluedUp! Escape Rooms is a dynamic and innovative small business based in Norwich, UK, that specialises in providing thrilling escape room experiences. Andy, the owner and founder of CluedUp Escapes, embarked on the entrepreneurial journey after being made redundant from his hospitality role. Although initially hesitant, Andy's passion for problem-solving and love for escape rooms inspired him to take the leap into entrepreneurship in late summer 2019. Recognizing the growing popularity of escape rooms and the opportunity to create memorable experiences for customers, Andy decided to establish CluedUp! Escapes.

What Andy finds most rewarding about running CluedUp! Escape Rooms is the ability to have the ultimate final say in decision-making; “unlike in larger businesses, where decisions are often made in distant head offices, my autonomy allows me to prioritise the best interests of the business and my customers.” This dedication to customer satisfaction is reflected in CluedUp! Escape Rooms’s outstanding Tripadvisor reviews, consistently earning them a coveted 5-star rating.

Keys to success: Andy's advice to small business owners 

Reflecting on his entrepreneurial journey, Andy emphasises the importance of having a robust business plan, especially when venturing into something new. He cautions against relying solely on improvisation and highlights the inevitability of encountering challenges along the way. 

Andy's meticulous planning and preparedness helped him navigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. He advises fellow small business owners to “remain flexible and adapt their offerings when necessary. For instance, “when CluedUp! Escapes inevitably had to close during the pandemic, so we created play-at-home games that customers could enjoy over Zoom, ensuring a steady revenue stream during the uncertain times.” Andy’s quick thinking even led to CluedUp! Escapes accommodating international visitors. Their online content has also been downloaded worldwide, with downloads from Australia, Singapore, and Bermuda, showcasing the universal appeal of CluedUp! Escapes's offerings.

Unlocking opportunities with the Capital on Tap Business Credit Card 

At CluedUp! Escape Rooms, Andy shared how he relies on the Capital on Tap Business Credit Card to ensure smooth operations. In Andy's own words, the card's "1% cashback is one of the best out there," providing a tangible and beneficial return for his business spending. Andy also told us how the real-time spending notifications allow him to save valuable time, stating that they allow him to “effortlessly track expenses and avoid the tedious task of sifting through statements.”

Moreover, Andy highlighted his firsthand experience with the chargeback process at Capital on Tap; a chargeback the reversal of a financial transaction initiated by a cardholder, typically due to unauthorised or fraudulent charges, non-delivery of goods or services, defective products, or billing errors. It provides a way for consumers to dispute and seek refunds for problematic transactions. Andy emphasised that disputing a transaction on his account was "quick, efficient, and significantly easier compared to my personal credit cards." The Capital on Tap Business Credit Card has become an indispensable tool for CluedUp! Escapes, empowering Andy to manage the financial aspects of the business with utmost ease and confidence.


Both Andy and CluedUp! Escape Rooms embody the spirit of passion, problem-solving, and innovation. Starting from humble beginnings, CluedUp! Escapes has not only thrived but excelled in the rapidly growing escape room industry, consistently delivering exceptional experiences to its customers, both locally and internationally.

With the invaluable support of the Capital on Tap Business Credit Card, CluedUp! Escape Rooms has been able to sustain its mission of spreading joy and creating memorable moments for its customers.

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